The rifle had been fitted with a special stock. 步枪已装上特制的枪托。
This stock was a recent special report pick when the stock was$ 8.84 with a$ 12 price target. 该股是最近的「特别报告」的推荐对象,当时其股价为8.84美元,目标股价为12美元。
Comes complete with a special gimmick on Bicycle stock and a full color, photo-illustrated instruction sheet. 来完成一个特别的招数对自行车股票和全彩屏,图片,图文并茂,语言表。
This paper introduces a new mode and its key point of implementation about the management of special stock in Shenzhen University. 该文介绍了深圳大学特殊采购改革模式的设计及其实施要点。
They must have at least five special personnel of overseas stock trading; 具有五名以上能够从事涉外证券业务的专业人员;
The author on our country special stock circulation structure explained goes on the market the company capital structure, the important reason which captures the stockholder's rights minute to set is our country goes on the market which the company to twist the capital structure forms. 笔者就我国特殊的股票流通结构来解释上市公司资本结构,得出股权分置是我国上市公司扭曲的资本结构形成的重要原因。
The special compensation fond of stock companies; 券商专项赔偿基金;
Regulations on Directorate's Special Committee of Stock Company and Its Independency 试论股份公司董事会专业委员会及其独立性规制
Suppose 2: The signal from the majority-stock-holders 'low subscribe indicates the long-run performance will be not optimism under the special stock structure in China if the suppose 1 comes into existence. 设想2:在我国特殊的股权结构下,如果设想1成立,那么由大股东低认购水平所传递的信号,预示上市公司在配股后长期的经营业绩不乐观。
We argue that this result is attributed to special structure of Chinese stock market, and is consistent with the behavioral model of Hong and Stein ( 1999). 这一结果主要是由于中国股市的特殊结构所致,可以用行为金融模型解释。
We set up a special model of Chinese stock market in this paper, founded on the investor structure and investors 'different behavior assumption, using simulation method. We validate this model through empirical study. 本论文从中国股票市场的投资者结构以及投资者行为不同的假设出发,利用模拟的方法,构建了符合中国股票市场特点的模型,并利用历史数据验证了模型的正确性。
Simple Analysis On Special Stock Index Fund of North American 浅析北美特殊股票指数基金
During lowering charge level with water spraying into the blast furnace, the gas is recovered and the charge level is judged by the blast volume not by special stock rod. 操作时采用空料线法(从炉顶打水),回收高炉煤气,不安装特殊探尺,用风量判断料面行程。
Based on the investigations into China's state bond market, enterprise debenture market, financial bond market, stock market and the special stock market of RMB, the author raises ten problems which need to be solved immediately in order to develop stock market. 本文在对1992年中国国债市场、企业债券市场、金融债券市场、股票市场、人民币特种股票市场基本情况描述的基础之上,提出当前发展证券市场急需解决的十个基本问题。
The data set of the temperature and precipitation last 100 years in China are introduced, for example, the handling principle of the data set and special data, stock form and so on. 主要介绍了我国1949年以前温度、降水资料的情况和中国近百年温度、降水数据集的制作情况,如数据集的处理原则、特殊数据的处理、存储格式等。
The special stock right structure has caused a lot of questions in such aspects as administration structure of listed company of our country. 因此,为推动上市公司治理机制的完善,国家在国有股权转让方面进行多方面的改革。
Next, the text do a positive research to set up a special factors model of stock pricing. 然后,文章围绕建立我国股票的特征因素模型进行了实证研究。
Statistical tests show that the stock structure remarkably influences the financing tendency of Chinese listed companies and different stock structure will lead to different financing tendency. As a result, the special stock structure is the main reason for the unreasonable financing structure of Chinese listed companies. 研究结果表明,股权结构对上市公司融资倾向具有显著的影响,不同股权结构安排下的公司有不同的融资倾向,特殊的股权结构是造成我国上市公司融资结构不合理的主要因素。
In order to low down the risk of investing for insurance fund, we make use of the risk management theory as well as the special features in our stock market. 因此,结合我国股市的运行特征和风险管理的理论,降低保险资金入市的风险,是本文研究的重点与意义所在。
With the development of science and technology, it can be widely used in the area of special wax stock, lubricating grease densifying component, chemical commodity material, medicine and foodstuff packing. 随着科学技术的发展,微晶蜡被广泛应用于各种特种蜡原料、润滑脂稠化剂组分、日用化工原料、医药和食品包装等领域。
Corporate repurchase of its shares, as a special form of stock transfer, refers to the legal activity of a company ( a listed company) to purchase outstanding shares at a specified price and in a particular way. 公司股份回购是一种特殊的股份转让形式,是指公司(指上市公司,下同)通过一定方式,以一定价格赎回自己发行在外的股份的法律行为。
Special stock right structure exists in the listed companies of China and the characteristic of stock right structure is "separation of stock right". 我国上市公司存在着特殊的股权结构,而股权结构的最大特色是股权分置。
Due to the special nature of stock manipulation, lots of regulatory lag and not comprehensive market manipulation, it is necessary to introduce intelligent technology to the manipulation field. 由于股价操纵行为的特殊性,监管机构与市场对于股价操纵的监管有很大的滞后性及不全面性,因此有必要引进智能性技术到监管领域中。
In addition, on the whole, the effect of internal governance structure than the latter, a special stock market for the Chinese environment, there are sound internal governance structure of listed companies to make up for the weakness of the external institutional environment. 此外,从整体上看,公司内部治理结构的效应大于后者,对于中国特殊的证券市场环境而言,也存在完善的公司内部治理结构能够弥补上市公司外部制度环境的薄弱性的情况。
The practice shows that the equity governance of listed companies in China is limited, mainly because of the special stock equity structure. 实践表明,我国上市公司股权治理效应具有有限性,主要是由我国上市公司特殊的股权结构造成的。
The protection of medium-small investors has special meaning in domestic stock market. Although we have set up investor protection system, it still cannot protect the medium-small investors completely. 中小投资者权益保护在我国具有特殊的重要性,虽然我国已经建立起了多角度的投资者权利救济体系,但是尚不能周延的保护中小投资者的利益。
How to explain this abnormal phenomenon? A popular explanation is that in the special stock issuer system, the shell resource value which is generated by administrative intervention and monopoly of the stock issuer system have an impact on listed companies. 如何来解释亏损上市公司股价反常的现象呢?一种流行的观点认为在中国特殊的证券发行制度下,由于股票发行的行政干预和垄断发行而产生的壳资源价值会对亏损上市公司产生影响。
Articles in general and the special stock sale as an entry point, combined with the equity transfer theory and practical difficulties of demands on the sublimation of the theory and path of practice in share transfer made some personal insights. 文章以一般与特殊的股权转让为切入点,结合股权转让的理论难点和现实诉求,对升华股权转让的理论和实践路径提出了一些个人见解。
The dissertation points out that the dual classification of public and private legal persons are no longer applicable to such a special market organization as stock exchanges. 文章指出,公、私法人二元分类法,难以适用于证券交易所这一特殊的市场组织。